Ayurveda - A Vedic Science

The Vedic Tradition of Knowledge is said to be eternal and of Divine creation, not by humans.. The sanskrit terms for this are: 

Nitya - eternal

Apaurusheya - of Divine creation (literally translated as: not created by humans)

Central to this tradition of knowledge is an initiative to develop the Consciousness of all living beings. . The primary function of all Vedic sciences - whether it’s Ayurveda, Sthapatya Veda, Gandharva Veda etc. - is to connect earthly Laws of Nature with Divine Laws of Nature, and to promote growth, evolution, and enlightenment for the individual and society.

Like Ayurveda, There are many great traditions, modern and ancient, that aspire o go beyond the intellect, emotions, and other dimensions of our individuality, to experience higher-dimensional truths

The word Veda means “Total Knowledge”. Total Knowledge refers to the holistically Truthful togetherness of knowingness and experience of any area of life. This is distinctly different from what we might call “information”. Information can be understood as a set of data that resides in our memory, whereas Veda can be understood as a profound, higher dimensional experience of Truth. 

Truth is Truth - no tradition, ancient civilization or modern Seer has a monopoly on Truth, it is inherently dynamic; furthermore the perception of Truth is what it is for the perceiver. That being said, it is often a useful thing to refer to trusted and established traditions of Truth. The Vedic Tradition can be seen as one such tradition.

In today’s world we find many avenues of this great Tradition lively today. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Ananda Mayi-Ma, Yogananda, Amma, Baba-ji, Sadhguru, Karunamayi and many, many other great Masters have all made wonderful efforts in re-enlivening the gems of Truth, spiritual techniques, and practical applications of this great Tradition in today’s world. Ayurveda is one of these gems. It provides a holistic framework for understanding Life, Health, Healing, and many other subtle dimensions of Creation that can empower the individual and society to stabilize growth towards health and spiritual empowerment.

Ayurveda is the Veda of Life. Gandharva Veda is the Veda of sound, frequency and music. Sthapatya Veda is the Veda of architecture and city planning. And there are many other branches of Vedic sciences, some of which will be addressed in other articles. The purpose here is not to indicate this tradition is above all others, but to present this great Civilization for what it was in its prime and what it can be in today’s world - a Civilization in which we found dedicated efforts to the experience of the Truth in all dimensions of Life - Earthly and Divine.

Thank you

Sultan Salah